Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, August 12, 2007

More Fingerprints???

August 2, 2007

After receiving my letter from the State Bureau of Investigation with instructions, I head off to the sheriff’s department to get fingerprints for the SBI. This is a requirement in order for the SBI to process a criminal background check for our state. They are digital like the FBI prints, but for some reason (I’m sure being the US Gov’t they have a GREAT reason!), they cannot use the same prints; ergo we still must travel to another city for the FBI prints. The lady processing me is delightful and wishes me the best of luck. I make a mental note to bring MyMy by once she is home and introduce the two so this lady knows how much her job is appreciated and just how far her dedicated reaches. OK OK OK . . . . . I get how mushy this all sounds. I am taking that liberty because of all the doo doo I went through to get here. Leave me alone!

Cost of prints: $15.00 for each set (why does the FBI charge $70.00 per set!? Must be kinda like those hammers they purchased a few years ago that made the news that cost $80 each)

Walking in and asking to be investigated by the sheriff’s department: PRICELESS!

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