Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dear Mommy and Daddy, Love the SBI . . . .

Boy that was fast! Here are the contents of two separate letters we just got from the State Bureau of Investigation yesterday:

"Dear Sharon ______________:

Pursuant to your request to determine if you have a criminal record with the SBI, your fingerprints were searched agaisnt our criminal history files. Based on this search, no criminal records were found. Your fingerprint card is enclosed.

I hope this is responsive to your needs.



Criminal Informaiton and Identification Section"

I was really impressed that the SBI returned our information so quickly. I was especially pleased that no one paraded around as me and got arrested!!!!!!! Coming in on the heels of the financial concerns helped remind me even though we've hit a couple of snags, I have a plan B in place for a reason. We may be completely tapped at the end of this, but it is a sacrifice we are both willing to make to get our child. More happy news to follow. I need to really focus on what is going right more than what is going haywire. I will still report the snags because this is meant to be a factual account as well as a diary of emotions on our journy to Viet Nam.


Char said...

Great news! And boy, that was fast wasn't it? Woohoo, one less thing to worry about. ;)

Fred said...

One step closer - YAY!!