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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Heaven . . . .

It has been a long month. Long for many reasons. Long mostly because of the stress we've been under. For those that don't know, Daddy and I promised ourselves we would do a certain number of attempts with assisted fertility treatments. This was before adoption became closer to a reality than just a dream. Our timing, true to form, was a little off and we found ourselves in the midst of our final attempt at conception whilst having already started the adoption process.

I would NOT recommend this to souls lesser than the Saints.

My world started spinning in late July and hasn't stopped. The ridiculously high hormone levels they had me on didn't help my attitude either. Needless to say, I found out for sure that our final attempt failed yesterday. Don't get me wrong. I'm pleased as punch that being pregnant won't stand in the way of our going to get MyMy at the earliest possible opportunity. It is just that the closing of a long, painful, soul-shredding chapter in our lives is a little overwhelming. I will admit to some sadness about not giving birth to my child physically, but it has just driven home to me that the emotional "pregnancy" is at least as profound. In some ways more so . . . . Daddy gets to feel the same stuff that Mommy feels. The emotions I feel as I close the book on trying to conceive are quite complex . . . . moreso than even I could imagine. I feel as though I am saying goodbye to something I never had to begin with. Perhaps I am saying goodbye to what was once my dream. I have found myself running an emotional marathon over the last four years and I just realized in this moment that it was August 2003 that Daddy and I began this exhaustively lengthy journey. I have lost 3 babies. Three times out of over 48 attempts have we succeeded in the first round of parenthood only to be denied what we have now learned is called a "live birth". Funny . . . . I just used to call it "having a baby". I have been so angry at being forced to know all that I have had to know throughout this whole process. I have been angry at the child who didn't want to be born to us. Sounds crazy huh? I told you all this was soul shredding. I have been sad because I have had moments where I believed what several people have told us . . . "Everything happens for a reason". "God has a plan". Please don't say that to us anymore. We don't believe that God took 3 little lives away for ANY reason. It is just life. . . . . and we just have to live it. And live it we shall. For those that think that adoption might be a second choice to us, please let go of that idea. Adoption and the country of Viet Nam have now become our guiding light and saving grace. Viet Nam has allowed us to replace sadness with joy. . . . Desperation with hope . . . Anger with determination . . . . and emptiness with contentment. As I sit quietly in the dark shedding tears of sadness over an ending and I also shed tears of joy for the anticipation of preparing the road for MyMy to come home. There is so much left to do and I feel tired. But I don't doubt for a minute that I will have what it takes to bring her home. That is what mommies do.

I am listening to the soundtrack of Riverdance . . .. a particularly haunting violin is playing the soundtrack of my emotions. If I allow myself to drift off and dare to dream again, I clearly see the rolling landscape of lush emerald grass somewhere near Dublin Ireland. I'm watching Daddy get smaller and smaller as he mountain bikes into the hills and over my shoulder I turn back to look at my little Vietnamese treasure trying to outrun her new puppy to get to mommy. Now wouldn't that be a sweet ending to all this. . . . . . Perhaps the thought of MyMy has helped me to learn how to daydream again. Oh the stories we shall make up at bedtime together .. .. . . See you soon darling . . .. but not nearly soon enough.


Fred said...

I feel so sad and joyous at the same time, along with you. So sad that my dear friend has suffered so over the past 4 years and lost 3 precious children. I am so sorry that you had to experience that.
Of course, adoption isn't second best. It is every bit as exciting and 'painful' as a regular pregnancy, and the outcome is the same - your child, in your arms.
There are many people, including myself, who would love to adopt a child. It is a very special thing you are about to experience, and one that most people won't.
From the very few people I know who have children through birth and adoption, I know there is simply no difference in the love and close relationship they have between these children - only how they came to be with them.
I'm sure when MyMy is in your arms that will become as irrevelant to you as it is to them.
Much Love xxx

Char said...

I've been thinking about you alot during the past few days. I've been worried about you and have felt your sadness by your absence. I know that your grieving. TTC has been such a big part of your life for so long and I'm sorry you didn't get the results you and Jay had so hoped for.

I'm known to say that "Things happen for a reason." and I think I say that because I have found it to be true in some situations in my life. However, lately I have been thinking and wondering about how stupid that seems because I have yet to find a reason, any reason, even if to why my sister is no longer alive and why you have lost 3 very much loved babies.

And while I'm hoping your grief lessens, I do also feel happy for you and Jay as you move forward more aggresively now in your journey to bring MyMy home. I know your child will be blessed with so much love, understanding and opportunities.

I agree with Donna that "adoption isn't second best." And that "It is every bit as exciting and 'painful' as a regular pregnancy, and the outcome is the same - your child, in your arms."

You and Jay have waited a long time to become parents. And when MyMy is home, you will find peace, beyond words and many other things. But something I also hope you will have is a healed heart.

I can't wait to hear about your homestudy. Goodluck! And remember that if you need to talk, I'm here! I gots me free US calling now remember? ;)

Love to you and many hugs xo

Dandy said...

Oh, Sharon. Your words went straight to my heart and filled it with so much sadness and happiness all at the same time. I know your journey has been long. If there is any reason to be found by all of it, at the very least it has taught me more about the kind of woman I strive to be. I look up to you in so many ways. Your journey has in turn given me strength, hope, a new way to love, a new outlook on how precious my life is. What you've gone through in so many ways not only affected you, but all of us standing behind you. I know it's not the outcome you had in mind at all, but just for the sake of finding reason behind it all is now knowing how you've changed others lives for the better in this process.

Your enduring strength and hope trickled down to us that are beside you and it truly touched my life in a way I will never be able to explain.

You know my feelings on adoption. I believe it takes a bigger heart than average. Your love for MyMy will be deeper and the bond will be stronger than if she was born from your own body. It will be so special.

So, when I say that this is all part of God's plan I mean that only He could bring MyMy into this world and only He can guide you to her. What happens in our lives is in His hands but not always what we hold in our eyes. The past and the loss of your 3 precious lives can not be explained, but I like to think it was God's way of leading you to pursue this adoption so that the little life that is meant to be yours will find her way home. MyMy is such a special soul. MyMy is especially blessed as God has big plans for her life and without you searching for her...they might not have ever come true. Where would she be? Because of you, she will be home. She will be home.

So, the closing to this journey is bittersweet. I, for one, can't wait to read the next chapter. You may feel like you've closed this novel with the last 4 years, but honey, your book will be a series that will go on beyond your days. MyMy will pick up writing where you leave off.

I love you. I hold you in my heart.