Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Automated Doors . . . .

I was watching Adoption Stories last night. Yes . . . . I do watch those. Shut up! Yes, Daddy makes fun of me when I cry about those. Don't let him fool ya . . . . I've caught him crying too. We always get busted up at the same part in all the stories . . . . the part where mommy and daddy first receive their child. OK . . . enough of that!

So anyway . . . . . this couple adopted their child from India on the show yesterday and the mommy echoed my sentiments perfectly:

"When I was dealing with infertility, I had so many doors close on me on a regular and ongoing basis. With our adoption, it just felt like all the doors were always opening."

Yes Geeta . . . . . that is exactly what it feels like. Even the doors that appear to be closing a tad always have a window next to them. I'm really liking this so far. . . . . and many of my doors appear to be automated. *sigh*


Fred said...

I am LOVING hearing this!!

I watch those programs, too, and yes, of course I cry!

Anonymous said...

My dear, reading your stories brought a HUGE flashback into our adoption journey. It's so overwhelming isn't it?!?! I will say that it is amazing how quickly all of this will pass and be behind you. It may seem like so much to gather but really, this is the cake part of the process. The waiting for the child will become your greatest journey yet!!! Just wait, when you get there, every time that phone rings will be will sent into a whirlwind of emotions and wondering who is on the other end of that line. AND if you have caller id and you can see it's not someone you know, and possibly someone from the adoption agency, it will make your heart fill like it's jumping out of your chest before you pick up. And you will find yourself trying to gasp for air in hopes that you don't pass out from what you can only describe as a combination of stress, anxiety, excitement, panic and plain out fear in wondering if you are doing the right thing and if you will be a good parent. Those all rushed through us like a red hot poker. Even driving down to get Madison, half of us wanted to turn around and go back and forget it (our fearful side) but our wanting to be parents and our excited side kept us on trucking towards our future and our daughter that awaited us!!!

Good luck Sharon in everything. You know you have my full support. And whatever, I am only a phone call away.

GOD I am so excited for you!!!!!!!

Luvs Ya,
