Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, July 27, 2007

Here we go . . . . (post from another blog)

(Original posting date: June 5, 2007)

Driving to work last week I dared utter the words "Don't worry sweetheart, Mommy is coming to get you." There has been too much darkness and the time for the light to shine is well past-due. I'm deserving and so is my child that is waiting to come home. This is a journey that cannot and will not be taken alone. The family that is about to be created is a gift of true friendship, loyalty and a desire be a part of changing the world in a small little way. Now THAT is special. More special than I ever imagined when I set off of this path 4 years ago. So . . . . here we go. "My My" . . . .mommy and daddy are waiting precious!

Addendum: This is the first post of my new blog detailing our journey to parenthood. I am going to try to go back in posts to follow and give a little historical background for posterity's sake and for the people in our lives that have been in a cave and have no clue what we have been going through for the last 4 years. This blog is also probably going to contain adult language, but no nudity. If you don't like it, don't read it. Finally at the age of 42, it is ok for me to do what I think is best for my life without counsel from the masses and that includes cursing.

I just thought a warning was in order. Can you really blame me for cursing though? After all, the decision of whether we get to be parents lies mainly in the hands of the US Government. Enough said . . . . .