Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Thursday, September 27, 2007

How much do you charge to change diapers?

My niece and nephews are the bee's knees. I adore every little hair on their witty bitty heads. Anyone who knows me knows that. So . . . . . Miss Bella just HAD to ride with me to dinner after watching her big brother play football. She is quite the little Chatty Cathy and is soon to be 6 years old in December. And like her Auntie . . . she knows EVERYTHING! I do find it quite comforting that I am not the only one in the world that does indeed know EVERYTHING!

So, we discussed how she is going to have a cousin someday. She has a first cousin now, but they rarely see each other. The concept is quite new to her. All she knows is that a baby is coming. And all she cares about is that she gets to help babysit. I told her that the baby wasn't from my "belly" although right now I could SURELY pass for 10 months pregnant. We then had a geography lesson that only a 6 year old could relate to. We talked about what she would look like and that her skin would be a little different in color and that her eyes would be slightly different and that she would probably have straight black hair when she gets older. All Bella wanted to know was if she could hold her.

You know what . . . . . if everyone that I have talked to about our MyMy had that response, the world would be blessed and it would be the way that God intended. Where did so many grown ups get so messed up? It took a 5 1/2 year old to give me new hope for people. I wish everyone saw adoption through her eyes. It is just a way to have more people to love. Which is what it is supposed to be.

Bella now wants to come stay with us when the baby gets here so she can help me. "Aunt Sharon . . . I can hold her while you work. I can feed her too and I'll even change her diapers too 'cause I know how. You'll have to pay me to change the diapers though, but I won't charge too much."

Thanks darlin! If I had a million bucks, it would be yours!


Char said...

I really needed a beautiful story like that today. I can't believe she's going to be 6! Precious Bella, what a sweetheart.

alicia said...

SOOO sweet!