Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Can we tawk?

I'm an '80's girl. You know . . . the era that was all about Aquanet and "self". Self-help specifically. This is where it became popular to "out" your family. To everyone! I support that entirely. It was through this process that my whacky little family all of a sudden became "par for the course". Not that it became functional mind you. Just normally bizarre, like everyone else's.

To recover from our individual experiences of being surrounded by each other's whackiness, we were all encouraged to air our feelings. I also support this entirely. It makes for good blogging material and some of the better syndicated TV shows. But what shall we call this invisible, yet overwhelming "thing" that we must talk about . . . . air . . . therapize . . . and transcend? It was called the "pink elephant in the living room." Most people and their subsequent personality dysfunctions didn't acknowledge this creature!

Imagine how inspired I was when perusing Wally World for speakers for my laptop (don't ask), I wandered into the baby section. It wasn't my fault, my cart had a few ball bearings missing from the wheel. And it was destiny. There . . . . . in aisle 28 was the symbol for a self-healthy household and sound child-rearing. A fuzzy pink elephant. While she is blissfully unaware of how whacky we are, I reckon MyMy can play with this as it does rattle. At such time that she learns that we are not the perfect parents we have perpetrated upon her, she can use this to call family meetings. When the pink elephant is in the room, we must tawk about it! And to think . . . . for $2.97, I could have had it made instead of buying 2 cars for my therapist over several years.

Welcome to the family Pinky TUSK-a-dero!!! Apologies to those of you too young to remember the series "Happy Days" with Fonzie!


Char said...

I LOVE the elephant!

alicia said...

LOL! Is Emma your child!?! She picked out a PINK ELEPHANT for when Sadie was born to bring to the hospital for her! TOO funny!

Sadie loves her pink elephant as will MyMy!

Fred said...

Yep, I have no clue what you are on about but...

CUTE elephant!

Jen said...

I love the elephant as well!

Thank you Thank you for your comment on my blog regarding CAS--It makes me feel so good to hear that other PAP's have validated my feelings about their often cold demeanor and I agree with you 110% After all the @#$# we have been through in the family building process we all deserve a little patience and TLC!

I especially like where you volunteer to kick their ass! I will keep that in mind :)

Anonymous said...

I love the elephant too!!! Every time I come here to read your new posts I always leave with a smile on my face!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment! I love the elephant and you are amazing I have added you to my blogroll and bloglines!

Tweel said...

It wasn't my fault, my cart had a few ball bearings missing from the wheel. You totally crack me up!

I love the idea of "if the elephant is in the room, it's time to tawk!!!" Fanfreakintastic!!

Love ya girl! It's all happening so fast :hugs: to you and Jay!